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Organize Your Closet

So you’ve whittled your wardrobe and accessories down to your favorite pieces, perhaps inspired by organizer Marie Kondo’s KonMari method. What’s next? After decluttering, it’s time to get organized. But amid the sea of available organizing products, it can be hard to know which are worth buying and which will end up gathering dust. To help you bring order to your closet, we’ll divide your things into three categories: stuff you reach for every day, your current-season wardrobe and less frequently worn items.

Stuff You Reach for Every Day Put a wardrobe rack to work as a getting-dressed helper. Make it easier to plan outfits in advance by stashing your choices on a wardrobe rack stationed in your closet, dressing area or bedroom. Sort through your clothes on the weekend when you’re more relaxed and you can avoid the frantic, early-morning “I have nothing to wear!” blues.

Dedicate a basket or tray to storing everyday accessories. If you tend to reach for the same watch or pair of earrings each day, make it easier on your tired morning self and put them away in the same spot every time. A tray or basket on an open shelf is ideal because you want to be able to see the items at a glance — no hunting required.

Make your favorite shoes easy to grab on open shelves. Shoe storage boxes are great for just that — storage.

For everyday wear, though, accessibility should take priority. Keep your favorite, most-reached-for pairs on open shelves where you can see (and grab) them quickly and easily. What about shoe racks? If you already have some and they’re working for you, great. But unsteady shoe racks positioned low in the closet can be difficult to use, so if your shoes tend to wind up in a heap on the floor, consider open shelves instead.

Current-Season Wardrobe Keep your favorite current-season clothes out in the open. As with shoes, when it comes to clothes, open storage is best for your most-reached-for items. Think open shelving for folded items like jeans, and matching hangers on rods for clothes that wrinkle easily. A set of good-quality hangers is a worthy splurge: They slide more easily across the rod, won’t snag delicate fabrics and help clothes keep their shape. Wood hangers are best for suit jackets and clothes with more structure; slim, velvety-coated hangers will help slippery tops stay put.

Wrangle smaller items in no-snag baskets. Fabric (or fabric-lined) baskets are ideal for corralling smaller items like swimwear, scarves, bags, and mittens. Keep items you use regularly within arm’s reach. Less frequently used (and off-season) items can go on higher shelves or under the bed if space is tight. If you’ll be using more than one or two baskets in your closet, it’s a good idea to label them so you don’t have to pull each one down to see what’s inside.

Keep drawers neat with the right inserts. Drawer inserts come in all sorts of variations, from velvet-lined jewelry trays to sock sorters. Before you go shopping for drawer organizers, take a look at what you have in your drawers. Better yet, snap a photo of the contents of each drawer you want to organize and refer to it when you shop.

Or skip the store and shop your home for organizing tools: little boxes, bowls, Tupperware containers, and box lids can all make handy drawer organizers.

Stash fabric-care tools on a tray. Create a visual reminder to care for your clothes with a tray of tools kept within reach. If you can see your lint roller, sweater comb and steamer, you’re far more likely to use them. A jar of safety pins or clothespins is also good to have on hand for clipping onto clothes that need special stain treatment or repair.

Less Frequently Worn Items Keep special pieces dust-free behind closed doors. The pieces you wear less frequently will stay fresher behind closed doors (or in drawers) that keep dust out. The same goes for those fancy shoes. Stash them in shoe storage boxes where they will stay fresh and clean.

Invest in garment bags for off-season and rarely worn items. Instead of hanging those fancy party clothes on hangers at the back of the closet, place them in garment bags designed for the job. Unlike plastic bags from the dry cleaner, cloth garment bags protect clothes from dust while allowing the fabric to breathe.

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